Aiden Singh (derived from the Sanskrit siᚃha meaning 'lion') is a global equities trader and investor, real estate investor, former prediction market trader, writer, and the founder & publisher of the Social Science Encyclopedia.

The son of Indian immigrants to the United States, he is a first generation American and the first university graduate in the family, holding five degrees: B.S. Mathematical Business Economics, B.A. Natural Sciences, M.S. Computer Science, M.Sc. Political Science & Political Economy, and M.Sc. Neuroscience. He is a graduate of two world-leading universities: the London School of Economics (LSE) and University College London (UCL).

In 2008, while still in his teens, he observed the implosion of a United States housing bubble, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the ensuing global financial crisis. The experience was his introduction to the world of finance and has shaped his investment strategy, which centers on exploiting market inefficiencies to acquire and accumulate assets at prices below their intrinsic value. Formerly a prediction market trader, he has written about exploitable inefficiencies in prediction markets which, coupled with leverage, allowed him to double his capital in a single set of trades. As an equities investor, he anticipated and shorted the stock market crash of 2022 and is the author of several articles on speculative bubbles and market crashes, including: The Meme Stock Frenzy, which details the inflating and bursting of a bubble in meme assets, and The AI Bubble.

In addition to his writings on stock market crashes, he has written over 70 articles on economic and political philosophy, economics, finance, constitutional law, and history.